Step 1: Join the Discord and Introduce Yourself
- Join the Discord (link here)
- Enter the #Mario_Workshop channel
- Share your Maker Name and Maker-ID
- Tell us a bit about yourself and what brought you to the Workshop.
Step 2: Visit Our Collaborative Worksheet
- Request permission to edit the Mario Maker Worksheet (Google Sheet). A google account is required.
- Add your Maker Name and Maker-ID to the MAKER TAB.
- If you have a level you want to workshop, add it to the bottom of the list in the COURSES TAB.
Step 3: Have Fun Playing Super Mario Maker 2
- Always have fun playing this amazing game. All participation in our workshop is voluntary.
- No matter how you enjoy Super Mario Maker 2, there are simple ways you can contribute to the Worksheet. Specific details are in the READ ME TAB in the Worksheet.
- Still have questions? Simply ask in the #Mario_Workshop Discord channel or catch us in Voice Chat. It's easier when you can talk things through.
Step 4: Look for Assignments
- Each week we'll teach a different game design concept. If you are interested in learning it, participate in as many discussions and assignments as you like.
- We will post regular assignments to our Twitter account and as pinned messages in the #Mario_Workshop channel on our Discord. Some assignments are quick questions you can answer on twitter or in the Discord channel. Some are course building challenges that we will compare.
Step 5: Prepare for the Weekend Streams
- At the end of each week (Sunday US central time), we will recap the workshop activity for the week. Try to have your assignments done before the stream. If you're late, no worries. This isn't like school. We're flexible and love to assist anyone who wants to learn no matter when they have time for it.
- If you miss a stream, the VODs will be posted on our YouTube channel.
Step 6: Repeat Each Week.
- We have 20+ lessons planned covering the depth and complexity of Super Mario level design.
- You don't have to participate in the lessons to continue to be a valuable part of the Workshop. Do what you can, when you can. And always have fun.
- This workshop is powered by all of its members. If you have suggestions or feedback, don't hesitate to tell us. Twitter? Discord? DMs? Voice Chat? You pick.